In spite of the progress to date and the fact that Cape Verde is undoubtedly better off than many other African countries, numerous challenges remain.
Issues facing children concern first of all poverty. The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger, there is no financial assistance to families – particularly not to single parents – and there is no social protection. This also forces children to live on the streets, which makes them extremely vulnerable and unprotected from abuse.
Secondly, education is a big concern: Cape Verde has many school drop outs due to again poverty, drugs, a lack of challenge and little study options. These children start working without training or skills which makes them unemployed rapidly. Then the education is of poor quality due to a lack of materials and poorly trained teachers.
Also healthcare is inadequate: social services do not run well, there is a lack of prevention by all healthcare services, children struggle with drug- and cigarette addiction and alcoholism at a very young age and start dealing drugs because they are tempted by money. Then children who are psychologically troubled and dealing with aggression or attitude problems rarely receive treatment because of the extremely limited access and attention to mental health.
This shows that there are numerous challanges for the children growing up on Sal. We think that despite these challenges everyone deserves a fair chance in life. Where we grow up doesn't neccesairly have to determine the rest of our lives. With the right help from others also the disadvantaged and vulnerable will have a fair chance in life.
Happy Child Support therefore exists because we want to provide free educational activities, support and guidance to the local children in the rural areas of Sal.
Coaching sessions & workshops
With the help of monthly donations and sponsorships we want to provide coaching sessions and creative workshops to different shelters on Sal for free. All of these workshops and sessions are specifically designed for the children on Sal after extensive research by HCS' social workers.
In this program we will offer creative workshops such as dance, sports, yoga and crafts but also English lessons to the children. These workshops will be offered on a weekly basis.
The personal coaching sessions will help the local children overcome their difficulties. Through creative tools we want to coach the children to learn to express their feelings and problems. You can think of subjects relating to personal hygiene, drugs and alcohol and social skills. The coaching sessions will be offered in a 10-week program and can be executed individually or in a group.
Mi e Bo
The Mi e Bo project is all about collecting and handing out donations in the form of materials and products which are distributed to the families in the slums of Sal and the families connected to the HCS center.
You can think of products in the form of schoolmaterials, clothing, shoes, medicines, care products, food, etcetera. The needs of the families are monitored and examined closely by Happy Child Support. These products are distributed accordingly and address basic needs and other important utilities. This way we try to guarantee the donations ar spent in the right place. These products are also used to execute the other projects.
The project's name has been thought out carefully. Mi e Bo means ''I am you'' in Creole, the local language in Sal. This reflects the project's vison: we are all equal and change starts with you. With handing out the products Happy Child Support tries to make a small contribution to reducing the gap between rich and poor.
Email us on or fill in the contact form displayed on the contact page if you would like to get project specifications.